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Il Rituale Emulation

rituale emulation

The ritual practiced by our Lodge is called "Emulation".
This ritual, practiced worldwide, and particularly in the Lodges of Anglo-Saxon tradition, comes from the officially approved by the United Grand Lodge of England in 1816, in the version in which, on this occasion, was "proposed" by members of the Lodge of Reconciliation.
This particular lodge had long worked to define a strict and uniform Ritual from the moment of the union between the two Grand Lodges rivals that of the Moderns and that of the Ancients, which occurred in 1813.
The way to work "Emulation" is named, however, dall'Emulation Lodge of Improvement (Emulation Lodge of Improvement) in London, whose committee is the custodian of this particular ritual.
The Emulation Lodge of Improvement meets every Friday from October to June, the Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London, and performs ceremonies and "Readings", or "lessons", according to the traditional and strict rituals Emulation.
This particular Loggia, which met for the first time October 2, 1823, was specifically formed for only Masters Muratori, in order to give education to those who wished to prepare for an office of the Lodge and, therefore, to the succession in the Seat of the Worshipful Master.
The founders dell'Emulation Lodge of Improvement predominantly from Burlington and Perseverance Lodges of Instruction, the first formed in 1810, the other in 1817. Both had taught the new ritual approved by Grand Lodge in June of 1816, but tended to focus exclusively on the work of the First Degree and istruirne Candidates.
Originally education was through the so-called "lessons" mason, according to the system of the Grand Steward's Lodge, whose lectures detailed the ceremonies.
Since 1830, according to general practice then developed, were also introduced representations of the ceremonies themselves.
The Emulation Lodge of Improvement has always met, without any interruption, since its founding and has always managed to preserve the ceremonies from any influence of changes or modifications, whether voluntary or not, or not authorized.
The ritual forms in use in the United Grand Lodge of England, as demonstrated by the Lodge of Reconciliation, formed specifically to produce them, were "approved and validated" by the Grand Lodge in June of 1816. Since then there have been only occasional adjustments ritual nature , however, approved by the Grand Lodge itself; the most important are the changes made to the Commitments Solemn, allowed by a resolution of the Grand Lodge in December 1964 and, more recently, the largest change in procedure, introduced by the resolution of the Grand Lodge of June 1986 on the formula Commitments in themselves.

The spread and transmission of the Emulation Ritual was entrusted, in 1816, the same members of the Lodge of Reconciliation, to those who had attended the demonstrations incurred by it and various annotations and notes that were then drawn up for strictly practical reasons.
No official publication, in print, this ritual, however, was never permitted.
Two lodges, later claimed a constant practice of Ceremonies in strict compliance with the provisions in 1816: the Stability Lodge and Emulation Lodge of Improvement.
The Committee dell'Emulation Lodge of Improvement has always tried to keep the ritual as close as possible to the form in which it was originally approved by the Grand Lodge and made sure that it was not altered in any way not authorized by the same source.
So, if in recent years there have been minor adjustments to the authorities of the Grand Lodge, no minimum random error is never passed unnoticed, in order not to become, over time, an established practice.
England - while constantly referring to the Emulation Ritual approved in 1816 - there are many rituals, more or less famous and popular, that sometimes differ for small nuances, in other cases, for the most substantial.
This premise is necessary to explain how, if differences can exist within the ritual, there may be even more to those procedures that are not closely related to it and falling in the costume of individual lodges.
In this brochure are summarized and illustrated some of the most important practical and widespread.

For many years after the installation of the ritual by the Lodge of Reconciliation and its approval in 1816 by the United Grand Lodge of England (in 1827 followed by the installation of the Installation Ceremony), this last was strictly the opinion that they should not in any way give the prints the ritual.
Therefore, in the period immediately following - and for about half a century later - the only form of learning was the oral repetition. Weekly meetings dell'Emulation Lodge of Improvement provided a good reference point. Certainly, over time, there appeared some rituals printed and manuscript, though, the differences between them, it is certain that they were not entirely accurate. It was not until the 1870s that the printed books of the ritual began to become generally accepted.
From that moment have been published with the aim to expose different work system Emulation; However, none of these had never had any authorization dall'Emulation Lodge of Improvement.
The Ritual, as authorized, was given to the press, pearl first time only in 1969.

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