Questo č il sito della Loggia San Giovanni all'Obbedienza del Grande Oriente d'Italia di Palazzo Giustiniani si possono trovare informazioni sulla massoneria rituale emulation la massoneria di milano informazioni su ordine dei templari guerrieri italia oppure nozioni di esoterismo

La massoneria di oggi descrzione del Tempio di Salomone e le virtu del libero muratore in relazione ai frammassoni e gli usi dei rituali massonici. Lo studio di nostradamus e del Mille e non pių mille con esoterismo secondo l'egittologia di oggi suggerita dai freemasons i freemasons e i freemasons con freemasonry del Grande Architetto Dell'Universo G.A.D.U

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Dear visitor welcome to Lodge St. John num. 1246 website

La Loggia San Giovanni to the Oriente of Milan's Italian Grand Orient is a Lodge of Emulation Ritual.

Our meeting is the first and the third thuesday of every month in Milano at via Pirelli, 5.

The Reasons for Choosing

The main prerogative and feature authentic, that the Brothers founders have sought to give the Loggia San Giovanni is the use, in the context of the work of the Lodge, the traditional and universal Emulation Ritual claiming a subsidiary to the most ancient rituals of Freemasonry Operational as slavishly reported, in an unaltered since 1823, dall'Emulation Lodge of Improvement of London.
Thus the first reason why the Founding Brothers formed a new Lodge in Milan is to be able to work with the rituals Emulation, cultivate the study and deepening of the rituals and operational speculative, symbolism, esotericism and antique traditions Universal Freemasonry, allowing all those interested Brothers, both of which the Milanese District Lombarda, in complete harmony and sincere brotherly love, to be able to turn to learn and develop together, in the most just and completeness plurality of ideas and initiatory experiences, a different and relevant Rituals of Symbolic Degrees.ralità di idee ed esperienze iniziatiche, una differente e rilevante Ritualità dei Gradi Simbolici.

The Name, the Emblem and the Slogan

The choice of the name, the Emblem and Motto of the Lodge are not random: they were derived, in fact, from historical reasons, traditional and symbolic to us very dear.

The Name

The importance attached to St. John in modern speculative Freemasonry emerges from the very beginning of it, at the beginning of the eighteenth century. We find evidence at the time of the constitution of the Grand Lodge of London, in 1717. In that year, on the feast of St. John the Baptist (June 24) four Lodges in London, with picturesque names taken from the taverns at which they gathered ("The Goose and Gridiron," "La Corona", "The Apple Tree," "The glass and the grapes'), were formed in the Grand Lodge and had elected a Grand Master.
Already at that time, the link between Freemasonry and St. John refers to an ancient custom. The General Ordinances of the Freemasons taken from the archives of the Order, prepared and published simultaneously with the Duties and Regulations, inform us that "In ancient times the brothers gathered at the meeting on the day of St. John, at sunrise, in a convent or high mountain nearby, and, after having elected the great officers, went to the place of the party that was usually also a convent or in the home of a Freemason, or at an inn spacious and well built. "
According to Article 22 of the General Regulations approved on the day of St. John the Baptist 1721 and published by Anderson "The Brothers of all the Lodges around London and Westminster and the surrounding area will hold the annual Assembly, in convenient place, the day of St. John the Baptist or San Giovanni Evangelista, as the Grand Lodge will set a new standard in recent years having been made on the day of St. John the Baptist. "
In Scotland, since the seventeenth century, the general rule of the Order was to celebrate the feast day of St. John the Evangelist. This assembly was the only meeting of the year. Occasion took place partying and entertainment and it was of use to admit apprentices and fellow craft.
Together with the above, it should be noted that, in general, San Giovanni was particularly honored in the possessions of the Temple, where they developed "free trades" and especially Freemasonry. This tribute resulted from the fact that St. John the Evangelist was the patron of the Templars who worshiped the apostle since the founding of the Order in 1118, in Jerusalem, when the founders received their powers from the patriarch Teocleto, 67th successor of St. Giovanni.
The solemn importance of the feast of St. John in the possessions of the Temple persisted even after the dissolution of the Order.
And even today, many lodges around the world open their work on the Prologue of John's Gospel also taking every Solemn Commitment.
In light of the foregoing, have been reported several symbols, which is in the emblem in the seal, which expressly refer the two John:

- the eagle emblem, Alfa (Λ) and Omega (Ω) is a specific reference Evangelist;
- Seal in the Agnus Dei recalls the well-established association with the Baptist.

È costituito: uno scudo semipartito troncato, bordato di bianco e azzurro, con:

  1. primo quadrante su fondo azzurro, una Croce Templare in oro;
  2. secondo quadrante su fondo azzurro, l’Arca dell’Alleanza in oro sormontata dalle sacre parole dell’Arco Reale;
  3. terzo quadrante su fondo cremisi, una squadra e compasso in oro con incastonata al centro la lettera G, affiancate a sinistra dalla lettera greca alfa  e a destra dalla lettera greca omega.

Sullo scudo vi è una corona in cui è incastonata, come cimiero, un’aquila in oro.
Sostegni: a destra la Colonna J sormontata dal Globo Universale, a sinistra la Colonna B sormontata dal Globo Terrestre;  le colonne poggiano su un cartiglio che le sostiene in cui è riportato il motto:


La simbologia dell’Emblema vuole evidenziare quello che è il percorso regolare del Libero Muratore di ritualità Emulation: partire dalla Libera Muratoria (rappresentata dalla Squadra e dal Compasso), passare per la ritualità del Sacro Arco Reale di Gerusalemme (rappresentata dall’Arca dell’Alleanza) per concludere il proprio percorso spirituale nella ritualità dei Templari (la  Croce).

 Il motto
È conseguente al punto di arrivo (Templarismo) nella misura in cui ripropone il motto delle prime Crociate: DEUS LO VOLT (Dio lo vuole!).

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